The Schedule
Friday 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday 10:00 – 12:00 / 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
The Teaching
This wonderful teaching is considered one of Tibet’s most revered instruction on how to follow the Mahayana teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha in it’s essence.

One way or another, these four lines are incorporated in the practices of all the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. When Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, one of Tibet’s greatest nonsectarian master of the last century, was composing the famed Compendium of Pith Instructions, this text was kept first. This was taught by Manjushri to the Great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo and the way of interaction in this text is precise, complete and avoids verbal clutter. With just four lines, it is compact and easy to remember for the practitioners. As is often the way of great practitioners, one may receive hundreds of different teachings but for their practice they prefer a short and to the point instruction. For a follower of wisdom who wants to avoid downfalls on the path to liberation, it is impossible to reach enlightenment and gain wisdom whilst having any one or all of the four attachments. So needless to say, it is extremely important for us to have clear understanding of the path and the essence of our practice. Need for such clear instruction becomes clear if are contemplating a bit of self awareness and ask oneself
-What have I been doing till now?
– Where is my life going from here?
– Enlightenment maybe my final destination but what is required of me right now?
– Where do I stand on the path?
About Do Tulku Rinpoche

Raktrul Rinpoche (also known as Do Tulku) was born in 1985 in South India. At 17, he was recognized by HH Sakya Trizin as the sixth Raktrul Rinpoche, a tulku (recognized reincarnation) of a Sakya monastery. He began, then, his studies in the Dzongsar Khyentse Chöky Lodro Institute, where he received his training in Buddhist philosophy, practice, and debate. After eleven years of studies, he successfully graduated with the ‘Acharya’ title. He also taught in Dzongsar Institute for a year and guided retreats for monks in Mustang.
In addition, he has received teachings, transmissions and initiations from some of the greatest masters of our times, such as HH the Dalai Lama, HH the Sakya Trizin, Khenchen Kunga Wangchuk, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Dagchen Rinpoche, Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, and many more. He is a translator for the 84000 project, and is a lay master.